I met Sheila Grahm at my father and stepmothers apartment right across from the Armory on Park Ave. in NYC in the 70's. She was a close friend of my stepmother Kathleen Flanagn who was known as Countess Kathleen Balbi Valier. Kathleen married Count Balbi who killed himself after finding out about her affair with my father (you can google the Palazzo Balbi on the Grand Canal in Venice). Sheila was probably in her 60's or 70's at the time and she was filled with stories about "Scott" as she called him as well as so many others from that wonderful period. I was in my teens and frankly had other things on my mind like girls and other forms of debauchery to pay much attention to older people. Not the case with Sheila.

F. Scott was my favorite author and the fact that she was so close to him demanded that I pay way more attention than I would normally would to an older person, plus she was so bright, she knew how to make it interesting. My dad was friendly with so many cool people, you never knew who was going to be staying for dinner.

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